March 4, 2011

Class Warfare

The senator who was elected to serve the people, and calling them slobs. 

March 2, 2011. MSNBC. Lawrence O'Donnell reporting. Witness a shockingly rude and arrogant Wisconsin state senator named Glenn Grothman repeatedly call Wisconsin citizens "slobs" on air and then refuse to apologize. At one point, he even calls the protesters "a different breed of people." A woman responds, "What breed are we, Senator? The middle class?"

This is ridiculous. He will not apologize. What a scum bag - this man does not want to be re elected.   

March 3, 2011

The blog

I created this blog because I needed a place to rant, a place to write about all the hate I see in the world around us.

Things like this, Congress men, council members condoning these acts of hate. I am all for EVERYONES right to free speech, but there is a line that public officials should not cross and condoning speech that goes against the constitution they are sworn to uphold, is wrong and should not be tolerated.